Stream Media Hub>Product introductionSMH, a video streaming distribution gateway, designed for Internet video transmission applications. In addition to supporting traditional streaming protocols such as UDP/RTMP, it also supports SRT reliable transport protocols. Through the conversion between streaming protocols, video streaming across regions and networks can be realized under the Internet. SMH supports point-to-multipoint flexible streaming distribution and ensures the quality of video images on a common Internet where the network is less than ideal.Stream Media Hub>
SD/HD Encoder for IP Transmission>Product introductionCogent HDE-650 is an IP (Internet) encoder for professional, high quality, reliable and secure video encoding and IP streaming. It provides major benefits to the broadcaster, including 4:2:2 profile, low bitrate and ultra-low delay encoding. This achieves the best broadcast picture quality with lowest bit rateSD/HD Encoder for IP Transmission>
Rack-mounted SRT Low-delay Decoder>Product introductionHDD-461 is a professional broadcasting-quality HD/SD decoder, It supports both H.264 and MPEG-2. It can support High 4:2:2 profile, low bitrate and super low delay for encoding, achieving the best studio-class picture quality. it also supports the SRT reliable transport protocol and can be well suited for use with SRT encoders.Rack-mounted SRT Low-delay Decoder>