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News and Sports Acquisition

Cogent has always been committed to the core technology and innovative products for the news and sports acquisition. The company's main products include Ku/Ka satellite transmission products and bonded cellular 4G/5G transmission products.


Our highly compact satellite solutions give Ku-band and Ka-band users the answers to their mission critical jobs around the globe.


The Bodycasters are lightweight units that enable anyone to transmit live video or data at the tap of a button using multiple existing cellular or wireless infrastructures, as well as directly via the Ethernet (LAN). The Bodycasters gathers the live video feed via a secure Internet connection and is then able to supply this feed to the production suite, routing table, website and such for further processing. The technology offers a viable alternative to traditional uplinks, both in terms of video quality, as well as in pricing, immediacy of service, availability and portability.


And we have a series of encoding solutions for delivering high-quality, low latency video across the public internet. Please also check with the Contribution and Network Management for more information.


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