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BilibiliWorld live programs supported by Cogent Bodycaster T50
Time:2020-08-15 Large In Small

[Aug 15, 2020] Bilibili is a huge video streaming website from China that was once regarded as a haven for gaming and anime geeks, has been steadily making its way into the mainstream as users’ age up and content diversifies, now regarded as the China’s newest YouTube. The NASDAQ-traded company recorded a 70% year-over-year growth to reach 172 million monthly active users by the first quarter amid COVID-19, placing it in the same rank as video services operated by Tencent and Baidu’s iQiyi.


Every year this huge video-streaming platform held an exhibition, actually a carnival, called the “BILIBILI WORLD”. Cogent was proud to be chosen to support Bilibii for the event "BILIBILI WORLD 2020” this year in August.


The multi-camera live streaming by Cogent BodyCaster T-50 5G bonded cellular systems enabled millions of mobile users to participate in the interactive events all over the countries. The audience can interact with streamers with the live streaming service. It was exciting to be part of the building blocks in such a fascinating event!


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